

索诺玛县是加州一些最好的酒庄的所在地,同时也为探险家、自然爱好者和美食家提供了令人兴奋的景点。您甚至可以在西部野生动物园 (Safari West) 体验塞伦盖蒂风格的狩猎之旅,观赏长颈鹿、鸵鸟和犀牛。通过索诺纳乡村旅游局 (Sonona Country Tourism)探索附近的特价优惠,开始计划您的旅行。

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    • The image shows a close-up of a brightly lit Ferris wheel against a clear blue sky, captured in a dynamic and colorful perspective.
    • DO


    索诺玛县集市 1350 BENNETT VALLEY ROAD, SANTA ROSA, CA 95404


    • The image shows numerous colorful hot air balloons floating above a scenic landscape with hills and trees in the background, suggesting an early morning.
    • DO


    索诺玛县集市 1350 Bennett Valley Road, Santa Rosa, Ca 95404


    • Outdoor seating area overlooking a swimming pool with shaded lounge chairs, tables, and plants, surrounded by trees and buildings in the background.
    • EAT & DRINK

    Flamingo Lazeaway Club

    2777 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95405

    The Lazeaway Club’s Cal-Pacific cuisine taps the spices, heat, sweet and savory of far-flung travel destinations, combining them with the best fresh, local ingredients.

    • A vineyard with rows of grapevines is set against a backdrop of hills and a partly cloudy sky, framed by two trees in the foreground.
    • WINE,
    • DO


    9825 索诺玛高速公路。加利福尼亚州肯伍德。 95452

    徒步穿越 Kunde 占地 1,850 英亩的火山垂直庄园。这是一个绝佳的机会,可以在欣赏壮丽景色的同时,看到可持续的葡萄种植实践。周六你的毛茸茸的朋友可以陪伴你!

    • A red cocktail in a glass, emitting smoke or vapor, placed on a bar counter with a smoky, atmospheric effect in the background.
    • DO,
    • EAT & DRINK

    Vintage Space

    2777 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95405

    Vintage Space is a retro-futuristic music lounge hosting a cosmic array of live music, stand-up comedy, dancing, DJ's, karaoke, trivia nights, and more. Originally built in 1957, when the public’s imagination was captivated by the dawn of the space race, atomic power and American ingenuity – Vintage Space melds the past with a bright tomorrow. A bastion of good vibes, far-out sounds and stellar cocktails that’s been sending it since Sputnik.

    • The image shows a modern lounge with a brown leather sofa, two grey chairs, a coffee table, and a decorated bar counter.
    • EAT & DRINK,
    • DO

    Young & Yonder 烈酒品鉴会


    Young & Yonder Spirits 是一家手工酿酒厂,由 Joshua 和 Sarah Opatz 夫妇领导,秉承“从谷物到货架”的理念。周六和周日前往品尝一杯经典或时令鸡尾酒,或品尝四杯鸡尾酒。

    • People on a safari ride feed giraffes, surrounded by deer-like animals, as a safari guide assists them, blending adventure with close wildlife encounters.
    • DO


    3115 Porter Creek Rd, 圣罗莎, CA 95404

    Safari West 是一个占地 400 英亩的私人野生动物保护区,位于加利福尼亚州索诺玛县圣罗莎市以北 12 英里处。

    • Two people are sitting on a couch wearing bathrobes and towels on their heads, one talking on a phone and the other holding a drink and wearing sunglasses.
    • DO

    The Spa at Flamingo

    2777 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95405

    Pamper yourself with a day of wellness at The Spa at Flamingo. From pampering massages to rejuvenating facials and waxing, the road to serenity begins here.

    • Large wooden barrels used for aging wine or other spirits are placed in a storage area.
    • WINE

    Hobo Wine Company

    412 Timothy Rd suite c, Santa Rosa, CA

    Hobo Wine Company is a family-run winery walking distance from Santa Rosa's historic Railroad Square. Stroll over and taste some of their approachable, quality wines right in the winery. Tastings are available by appointment only.

    • This image shows various flavors of ice cream scoops arranged on a black surface, each labeled: LOCAL BLACKBERRY, STRAWBERRY MISO, MATCHA ALMOND, BLACK SESAME, PEACH BROWN BUTTER, VANILLA BEAN, COCONUT CURRY, and SWISS CHOCOLATE.
    • EAT & DRINK


    539 4th 圣罗莎, 加利福尼亚州 95401

    这家当地拥有和经营的顶级 LGBTQIA+ 企业提供丰富的甜点。从冰淇淋、馅饼、纸杯蛋糕等等,没有什么是您的甜食爱好者不喜欢的。参观圣罗莎市中心或希尔兹堡广场的 Noble Folk。

    • The image shows a variety of bread and pastries displayed on a table with patterned cloth. There are loaves, scones, and pastries in the scene.
    • EAT & DRINK


    140 Bohemian Hwy,弗里斯通,加利福尼亚州,95472

    在前往索诺玛海岸的途中,在 Wild Flour Bread 品尝手工烘焙的面包。提供砖炉烘烤的酵母面包、烤饼和咖啡饮料。 Wild Flour 使用燃木砖炉制作出精美的硬皮面包,可供远道而来的客人品尝。这家面包店成立于 1998 年,位于美丽的 Freestone Valley,这个只有 26 栋房屋的村庄,俯瞰着点缀着谷仓和牛群的田野。

    • A grand mansion with landscaped gardens and a curved driveway, featuring the name
    • WINE,
    • DO,
    • EAT & DRINK


    富尔顿路 5007 号 富尔顿, CA 95439

    在索诺玛县俄罗斯河谷的中心地带,参观品尝精致的庄园葡萄酒、不容错过的美食和美酒搭配,以及激动人心的地掷球游戏 - 所有这些都可以欣赏到世界级花园的壮丽景色。

    • A plate of oysters on ice, two glasses of white wine, a bottle, a knife, half a lemon, a citrus juicer, and a napkin on a textured surface.
    • EAT & DRINK,
    • DO


    20215 海岸线公路 马歇尔, CA 94940


    • People are canoeing on a calm body of water, with three canoes visible in a single file line, paddling under the sun.
    • DO


    8600 River Rd, 福里斯特维尔, CA

    伯克 (Burke) 位于俄罗斯河 (Russian River) 红杉林中心,提供 10 英里长的自助独木舟之旅,穿越红杉林 (Redwoods)。

    • Three people are kayaking on a body of water with a hilly, tree-lined shore in the background.
    • DO

    Blue Waters Kayaking 生物发光皮划艇之旅


    • The image shows a signpost with several business names beneath a large sign reading
    • SHOP,
    • EAT & DRINK


    6770 McKinley Street, 塞瓦斯托波尔, CA

    向西前往巴洛 (The Barlow),享受占地 12 英亩的露天市场。充满了精品店、艺术品、品酒室、啤酒厂等等!

    • The image shows a classical building with columns, steps, and trees in front, bathed in sunlight. It has large windows and an ornate facade.
    • DO


    425 第七街,圣罗莎,CA 95401

    索诺玛县博物馆位于圣罗莎市中心,坐落于历史悠久的 1910 年圣罗莎邮局内。博物馆收藏了索诺玛县的文物、当代艺术画廊和美丽的雕塑花园。

    • A statue of an animated character stands next to a wall with the name
    • DO


    2301 哈迪巷圣罗莎, CA 95403

    在查尔斯·舒尔茨博物馆 (Charles M. Schulz Museum) 与史努比和伙伴们一起玩耍 - 在加利福尼亚州圣罗莎的新选项卡中打开。查看世界上最大的花生原创艺术品收藏,嘲笑舒尔茨的原创漫画,了解卡通艺术,观看动画花生特辑等等!

    • A colorful hot air balloon is flying over a scenic landscape of vineyards and fields with a clear sky and distant mountains visible.
    • DO



    • People are in a garden, with one person bending to look at flowers and others standing in the background, all under a clear blue sky.
    • DO,
    • EAT & DRINK



    • A serene outdoor setting with a wooden picnic table under shade trees, overlooking a green field and distant trees in the background.
    • WINE,
    • DO


    1695 城堡路,索诺玛,CA 95476

    这片占地 374 英亩的地产由弗兰克·H·巴塞洛缪基金会 (Frank H. Bartholomew Foundation) 运营,致力于让这个美丽的空间向所有人开放。公园内设有野餐区、步行/远足小径,以及真正索诺玛县风格的酒庄和品酒室。

    • A scenic view of a bridge spanning over a large body of water surrounded by tree-covered hills and distant mountains under a clear blue sky.
    • DO


    3333 Skaggs Springs Road 盖瑟维尔 CA, 95441

    旺季时,这个风景优美的湖泊拥有超过 2,700 英亩的水域和 50 英里的海岸线。这里是任何水上运动的完美场所。无论您徒步、游泳、骑马、划船、露营、钓鱼还是打猎,您都可以在索诺玛湖完成这一切。

    • A scenic landscape shows rolling green hills under a clear blue sky with wispy clouds, dotted with trees and distant mountains in the background.
    • DO


    411 Chileno Valley Road, 佩塔卢马

    这座紧凑的荒野公园位于佩塔卢马西南部,拥有 6 英里长的小径,绿草如茵的山坡蜿蜒穿过橡树林。沿着山脊顶小径可欣赏索诺玛县的全景。

    • A yellow house with white trim, ornamental gables, green shutters, and a fruit tree bearing orange-colored fruit in the front yard.
    • DO




    • A serene garden scene with a small bridge over a stream, surrounded by lush green trees and foliage, under a bright blue sky.
    • DO


    12841 Sonoma Hwy,格伦艾伦,CA 95442


    • The image depicts an ivy-covered stone building with green trims, a wooden door, and a small awning over the entrance, surrounded by greenery.
    • WINE


    18000 老酒厂路,索诺玛,CA 95476

    参观加州最古老的商业酿酒厂。该品酒室成立于 1857 年,仍位于原来的场地上,将满足葡萄酒爱好者和历史爱好者的需求。

    • A person's hand is using a slotted spoon to lift a piece of white curd or tofu from a container with a cloth-lined bowl beside it.
    • DO,
    • EAT & DRINK

    享乐主义的联系 – 奶酪制作课程

    东 8 街 19670 号,A 套房索诺玛,CA 95476

    与屡获殊荣的奶酪制作师 Sheana Davis 一起参加奶酪制作实践课程。这个 90 分钟的课程以索诺玛或纳帕葡萄酒和手工奶酪品尝开始,让客人在制作自己的奶酪之前探索不同类型的手工奶酪。

    • The image shows a building with
    • WINE


    13250 River Rd,盖尔南维尔,CA 95446

    最初的加州起泡酒生产商 Korbel 自 1882 年起就开始酿造起泡酒。向西前往红杉林,参观这座美丽的酒庄,这里提供旅游、品酒、熟食店等活动。

    • A woman and a child are playing by a shallow stream with rocks, under colorful umbrellas, on a sunny day.
    • DO


    1835 W.斯蒂尔巷,圣罗莎,CA 95403

    在索诺玛县儿童博物馆激发孩子的想象力!在安全的环境中提供动手实践、互动的展览和活动,这些展览和活动专为有 10 岁及以下儿童的家庭而设计。

    • A man is hugging a goat in a field while another goat stands nearby, with a background of green grass and a fence.
    • DO


    纳帕路 3201 号,索诺玛,CA 95476

    查理英亩 (Charlie's Acres) 位于索诺玛广场以东,是一个专门为获救农场动物设立的动物保护区。该保护区是动物们可以平静地过着自然生活的家园,也是向公众展示这些智慧生物值得爱和同情的场所。

    • The image shows several glasses of beer, some dark and some light, with a person placing a glass on a wooden table.
    • EAT & DRINK


    700 米切尔巷温莎, CA 95492

    温莎校区的俄罗斯河酿酒公司 (Russian River Brewing Company) 拥有大型室内和室外用餐区、世界著名的啤酒清单、啤酒厂之旅等等!

    • Two wooden chairs under an umbrella, overlooking a lush garden with green bushes and a pathway winding through it on a sunny day.
    • WINE


    6097 Bennett Valley Rd, 圣罗莎, CA 95404

    探索贝内特谷 (Bennett Valley) 种植区的马坦萨溪 (Matanza Creek),这里有可持续种植的葡萄园、令人惊叹的景色和薰衣草田。

    • A small, white fishing boat with an American flag is anchored in calm waters, with other boats and a hazy horizon in the background.
    • DO


    1500 Bay Flat Road, 博德加湾, CA 94158


    • The image shows a lavender field with blooming lavender plants along a dirt path, and a few people in the background under a clear sky.
    • DO


    3883 佩塔卢马山路 圣罗莎, CA 95404

    在 Bees N Blooms 体验花、树、鸟、传粉媒介、人类和生物圈之间的联系。享受占地 11 英亩的有机农场,这里有薰衣草迷宫和薰衣草香味的小径。还有各种自产产品,包括蜂蜜、鲜切花等等!

    • A person wearing a helmet and safety gear is zip-lining through a lush forest with tall trees in the background.
    • DO


    6250 波西米亚高速公路西方,加利福尼亚州 95465

    索诺玛滑索探险 (Sonoma Zipline Adventures) 坐落在北加州海岸附近的红木森林深处,是一场高度冒险的体验,完全不同于您体验过的任何体验。两个独特的课程,每个课程时长两个半小时,带导游的生态之旅包括多条滑索、天桥、雄伟的螺旋楼梯、下降到森林地面,您将沉浸在无与伦比的美丽之中世界著名的加州海岸红杉。

    • Two people wearing helmets are riding horses on a scenic countryside trail with rolling hills and a building in the background.
    • DO


    Triple Creek Horse Outfit 在北加州葡萄酒之乡的中心地带提供带导游的骑马体验,您可以在世界上最好的一些骑马小道上体验,经过数英亩的葡萄园来品尝优质葡萄酒,穿过开阔的橡树林,穿过两棵高大红杉的阴凉树林。地点:索诺玛谷的杰克伦敦州立历史公园和贝内特谷的尤鲁帕山牧场。