The Ultimate 1970's Bash

50th Anniversary Party

We want to send a groovy thank you to all the cool cats who joined us for our 50th-anniversary bash on August 24, 2024! Thanks to our awesome local community, business partners, staff, and guests, it was a night full of peace, love, and disco.

You all dusted off those bell-bottoms, broke out the platform shoes, and boogied down with us at the most righteous 1970s-themed party ever! We grooved to funky tunes, munched on out-of-sight snacks, and tried our luck with some far-out raffle prizes. The vibes were totally stellar, and we couldn’t have asked for a better crowd to celebrate with.

Thanks to your good vibes and far-out energy, our golden anniversary was an absolute blast! We couldn’t have done it without all you cool cats and foxy ladies.

Keep on truckin’, and we hope to see you at The Sandman again soon!


  • 桑德曼历史

    The Sandman 旅馆坐落在圣罗莎 (Santa Rosa) 市中心,交通便利,建于 20 世纪 70 年代初,是一家使命风格的汽车旅馆。除了该地区最好的酿酒厂和啤酒厂、餐饮场所、户外活动和市中心商业之外,它最著名的可能是靠近 101 高速公路。

    The Sandman 于 2017 年 5 月首次进行了戏剧性的转型,但五个月后,由于毁灭性的塔布斯火灾而被迫关闭,这场大火烧毁了圣罗莎附近社区的房屋和酒店,并导致其 135 间客房中的一半以上被烟雾损坏。然而几周之内,睡魔就完全恢复了。当它重新开放时,它容纳了因火灾而流离失所的当地居民。

    两年后,The Sandman 面临另一个挑战:新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 大流行,导致美国所有酒店的入住率大幅下降,许多酒店被迫关闭。桑德曼 (Sandman) 仍然开放,并且由于推出了针对那些在家附近寻求逃生的当地人的夏夜系列活动,成为了一个受欢迎的目的地。